比較可惜的是,本視頻提到的我很多的早期作品並沒有在youtube上傳(版權問題),有興趣的可以去看原視頻置頂評論,我在那裡列出了鏈接 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1iw411Z7Bi
► 本視頻由「泛式」本人投稿,這是我在YouTube的唯一正版頻道。
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△微博:@泛式 http://www.weibo.com/FunShiki
This channel is only used to recommending anime, comics and games. All the videos are not intending to against copyright law, only to assisting commentary and recommendation. If it cause any lost of yours, please contact me immediately.
Email:[email protected]