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【中文歌詞】光の向こうへ / HACHI

Neet music channel
光の向こうへ / HACHI:https://youtu.be/a117kgda0sw ♡訂閱我的頻道記得按下鈴鐺♡ 把影片分享出去吧! 覺得音樂好聽嗎? 喜歡的話就留下一個大大的喜歡吧♡ If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thank you! 幫我衝到十萬吧! 真的拜託你們了!感謝你們一路上一直以來的支持。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDOk... 數位/Digital release: https://mora.jp/package/43000074/TCJPR0000664692/ https://mora.jp/package/43000074/TCJPR0000664692_hires/ (訂閱她 SC丟滿 加她會員 拜託)HACHI YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/HACHIVSinger/featured 背景/Background: 器根G刃🍊 - 光の向こうへ https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/90903365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 版權聲明: 本頻道不握有任何音樂所有權,亦無任何營利,一切僅為推廣用途。音樂所有權歸原始創作者所有,喜歡的話可以購買正版音樂支持呦! Copyright Info: Be aware this channel is only for promotional purposes. All music belongs to the original creators. If you like this video, please push the SUB and BELL and give me a LIKE or share this video. Thanks for your support. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感謝您的觀看與支持 If the Official doesn't allow me to promote your song or picture, please send me you're warned to my Gmail([email protected])or comment in this video I'll remove any video having an official song and picture in 24 hours. THANK YOU!

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