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惡魔獵人5 OST -「Legacy」Devil May Cry 5 Main Theme - Ru's Piano Cover

Ru's Piano Ru味春捲
Don't come to question all that you've know 別去質疑你所知的一切 Remember you are not alone 記住你不是獨自一人 I will be here standing beside you 我會和你站在一起 There is no mountain Too tall to overcome 沒有跨越不了的障礙 We will be as one 我們將一體同心 You will rise again 你會再次崛起 This is your Legacy 這是你的血脈傳承 鋼琴編譜及演奏:RuRu Piano Arranged and Performed by RuRu 🎼樂譜限時贈送 (3/21止) 🎼Download free sheet here (~3/21): https://gum.co/wBBQc 🎤徵求協力翻譯:http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCAYrMNl92jw6cpjdpBP8JyA 🎹頻道會員招募中 / Memberships recruitment 🏃‍♂🏃‍♀ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYrMNl92jw6cpjdpBP8JyA/join 🐣支持Ru's Piano🐣 🌱訂閱(小鈴鐺)+分享頻道 🌱PayPal: https://bit.ly/paypalRuRuSpringRoll 🌱歐付寶: https://bit.ly/donateRuRuSpringRoll - FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ruruspiano - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruruspiano #DMC5 #片尾曲 #鋼琴演奏 #惡魔獵人5 #DevilMayCry5 #Piano #樂譜分享 #ピアノ

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